Dedicated Breast CT

3-D Breast Imaging from Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Provided by HTG, Created by Koning: A revolutionary alternative to identify breast cancer cells in their most preliminary stage. This Dedicated Breast Computed Tomography (DBCT) device is FDA Approved under PMA P130025, with insurance codes established by the American Medical Association (AMA).


Contrast Enhanced

Blood Vessels


The DBCT is a technologically advanced breast imaging device that acquires 360 degrees of data to produce Real 3D images of the breast. This new technology allows image acquisition without compression. The DBCT provides exceptional spatial resolution, dramatically improving the way clinicians visualize and evaluate breast tissue, while improving the patient exam experience.

See the Dedicated Breast CT in action:

The DBCT by Koning produces high-contrast real 3D images of the breast with exceptional spatial resolution, no painful compression, in a rapid 7-second exposure, at radiation levels in the range of diagnostic mammograms.

“Koning Breast CT is a true 3D dimensional image of the breast. The detector is surrounding the woman’s breast, and so the cancers have no where to hide in the breast. There’s no way for over lapping tissue to be in the way from every angle.”

– Etta Pisano, MD

Ask Your Doctor

Here are helpful links to facilitate communication regarding this new technology in medical breast imaging:

Ask your doctor if the Dedicated Breast CT Revelation is right for you!